Safaris Archives - Great Safaris

Luxury African Safaris

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Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences Leopard crossing a river

South Africa Safaris

Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences! Wildlife, Cape Town, Kruger Park, the Winelands… all these and more evoke the wild and enchanting spirit of South Africa! Come with us on one of our South Africa Safaris or let them be a starting point for your own safari of a lifetime, our safari experts will be happy to assist you in planning your South Africa Safari. Read more…

Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences Victoria Falls

Southern Africa Safaris

Victoria Falls, the Okavango Delta, the famed Zambezi River, stunning Cape Point, the ruins of Greater Zimbabwe and the idyllic beaches of Mozambique… only Southern Africa offers you all of these and more! Amazing and breath-taking, our Southern Africa Safaris and custom itineraries will provide memories to last a lifetime. Don’t wait, contact our safari experts to begin planning your Southern Africa Safari today. Read more…

Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences Elephant and Mount Kilimanjaro

Eastern Africa Safaris

Kilimanjaro, the Great Migration, the Masai, the Serengeti… magical migrations, mountains and places await you in Eastern Africa! Our Eastern Africa Safaris offer a vast array of experiences from Addis Ababa to Zanzibar in countries as varied as Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia and the Seychelles for you to explore. Contact our safari experts about our Eastern Africa Safaris and plan your very own Eastern Africa Safari.

Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences Abu Simbel Egypt

Middle East Tours

The Pyramids, Jerusalem, Abu Simbel, the Nile… ancient and eternal yet bustling and modern, the Middle East is an intriguing enigma! Cruise the Nile, view the antiquities, enjoy the beach and nightlife in modern Tel Aviv, marvel at Petra or explore the markets and sights of Abu Dhabi, our Middle East Tours cover cultures of the region and cater to a variety of interests. Contact our experts to learn more about our Middle East Tours and plan your trip today.

An Introduction to Great Safaris

Watch our welcome video below. Press the “Play / ⇨” symbol below to begin.

Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences

The magic has already begun! Can you hear it? Like the distant rumble of a million migratory hooves. Can you feel it? Like the warm caress of an African breeze, carrying the rich aroma of wild thyme.

Can you picture yourself in Africa… standing on an ancient salt pan, watching a family of ostrich marching across the shimmering mirage? Can you imagine yourself sitting beside a blue-green lake while sly crocs bask on the shoreline and pods of hippos grunt curiously from the deep?

Can you envision yourself in an open safari jeep surrounded by buffalo… herds so huge they appear as an undulating sea of brown and black. Giraffe loping in ghostly silence across a yellow-flecked savanna. Lions patrolling at sundown. Hyenas nervous, laughing… darting in and out of the full moon shadows.

We hope you will consider Great Safaris as your partner in magic. Together we can conjure up your perfect life- vacation and lead you down a path that you have only walked in your dreams.

And why can we do this? Because we have, ourselves, walked that path time and time again. There is nothing that gives us more pleasure than to gather new friends within our magic circle, and lead them to the Africa that we know and love so well.

Africa speaks in a language that our reasoning has forgotten. It insinuates into our subconscious. It sings a siren song that cannot be ignored. A journey to Africa is a trek into the magical and it is a journey you have already begun. Step inside a bit further… pass through the Great Safaris’ portal and discover what an African safari can do for the sanity and the soul. Great Safaris Enriching Life Experiences.

Dave Herbert, center, CEO of Great Safaris, accepting the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Ubuntu Award from the Hon M. van Schalkwyk, the South Africa Minister of Tourism. Dave Herbert, center, CEO of Great Safaris, accepting the Lifetime Achievement Ubuntu Award from the Hon M. van Schalkwyk, the South Africa Minister of Tourism.

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