testimonial Archives - Great Safaris

Unforgettable Moment #315

My husband and I just got back from our honeymoon trip booked through Great Safaris. It was a trip of a lifetime and we were so impressed by the accommodations, food and first class service. We saw more animals than we ever expected to see and our safari guides were very knowledgeable. Our trip was two weeks and Great Safaris picked all the right spots in Kenya and Tanzania!

Unforgettable Moment #312

As tonight is our last in Cape Town, I pause to consider our wonderfully arranged tour. We enjoyed the quality of each of our accommodations and your guides. Our limited time in Johannesburg was well used to gain an overview of the country’s history. We are big fans of the quality of the Jackalberry Lodge, Thornybush Game Reserve, accommodations was outstanding and the safari staff and setting created a lifetime memory. Victory Falls and Zimbabwe was another both wonder of Africa and window into political damage. The Plett was a well-timed taste of relaxation, with Oudtshoorn’s acccomodation alone made the trip there worthwhile- not to mention the ostriches and meerkats. The drive with good music exposed us to the wide-open spaces that define most of the country. In Cape Town, the tw0 hotels have been so well situated and with fine service. We have felt privileged to enjoy each of them.

Thank you for your ongoing care, we are grateful for all your efforts to enable our first trip to South Africa that was so rich in diverse and memorable experiences.

Unforgettable Moment #702

Cape Town must be one of the most beautiful cities in the world; no wonder, Sir Francis Drake, Captain and Explorer, described it as, “The Fairest Cape in all the World”.  The safari experience was the best, can’t wait to return.

Unforgettable Moment #34

After the arid, largely treeless environment of Amboseli National Park, the heavily forested and lush environment of Meru National Park was a total surprise.  Our guide, John, was very knowledgeable and had good instincts about where to find wildlife. While getting challenged one morning by a bull elephant, John was very good at handling the situation and keeping us all calm.

Unforgettable Moment #88

I got to indulge in two of my favorite passions, both in the same day.  Played 18 holes of golf with spectacular views of Table Mountain and later, explored the very creative music scene on a “jazz safari”.  Meet musicians in their homes, shared a home cooked meal and then caught a late set at a local club.

Unforgettable Moment #67

Our chimp tracking in Kibale started quite early, with mist still rising from the forest floor. We saw chimps up high in the trees and heard their calls echoing through the forest. They came down and we started to meet them at a very close proximity.

Be wary of where you stand, as their toilet habits are not restricted to the ground!

Unforgettable Moment #79

My favorite activity at Queen Elizabeth was the boat ride on the Kazinga Channel. It’s said to contain the world’s largest concentration of hippo, and you can watch thousands of them practically piled on top of each other in the shallows. This is where to get that photo of a hippo yawning.

Unforgettable Moment #99

We descended the highlands and then drove west into the famous Serengeti. I had dreamed about this wildlife heaven for most of my life and could hardly believe that I was truly here! Our guide was incredible and let us travel at our own pace; we often wanted to just sit quietly in the vehicle and listen to the sounds of the Serengeti savanna.

Unforgettable Moment #15

On our 2nd day in the Mara, we came across a baby elephant, our ranger said it was about a month old. It was playing in the mud… slipping and sliding with delight. And then – plunk! – it slid right into water hole. I will never forget that high pitched scream of frustration – such a big sound from such a little animal! Mama elephant let her child learn its lesson, then gently coaxed the youngster onto dry land.

Unforgettable Moment #310

Floating down the great Chobe River experiencing the natural wonders synonymous with Africa’s raw wilderness.

Unforgettable Moment #309

There are few things as satisfying as seeing the bright smiles on the faces of the local people, when you give a little something back to the community.

Unforgettable Moment #307

We had the trip of a lifetime. From Cape Town to Stellenbosch to the [Kruger] Game Reserve, and even Johannesburg – each step of the way was so much fun and well planned… Thanks so much for everything.

        – Amy, Jeff, & Sally B. (Los Angeles, CA)

Unforgettable Moment #306

After five exciting days in the Cape, exploring so many new sights, I loved the change of surroundings when on safari. A whole different World! Our Ranger was so educational and entertaining. I will not forget how close we came to the Cape Buffalo herd, and I loved the wonderful sight and sounds of the birds. But the memorable surprise was to see the San people ancient art and rock painting. So well preserved, it was an art gallery in the Veld!

Unforgettable Moment #304

We had the perfect extension of our wedding. Being able to spend that time under the stars of the African sky crystalized everything for us. Every magic moment we had on safari was made richer because we shared it together.

Unforgettable Moment #209

Linda and I just returned yesterday from Victoria Falls to our Georgia residence and we would like to thank you for a great trip which was made even better by adding the Chobe excursion and experiencing a real safari, seeing thousands of elephants besides other wildlife close up.

        – Bernie & Linda N. (Cleveland, GA)

Unforgettable Moment #208

…I want to thank you for coordinating our amazing adventure to Africa. [It was] perfect. The weather cooperated, we were met cordially and graciously by all of those folks you arranged for us and our days were filled with fabulous wildlife, gorgeous landscape, local folks and foods to savor …We took 1,500 pictures and have memories to last a lifetime. Erin’s surprise birthday was also a wonderful evening.

At the close of each day I would go through the guide book you sent and circle all of the animals, birds, and plants/trees we saw – happy to report that we saw the Big 5 plus hyena, black rhino, tons of impala, kudus, Sylvester the cheetah at the elephant orphanage, hyrax, monkeys and baboons, warthog, zebra, nyala, bushbuck, duiker, waterbuck, penguins, and 48 varieties of birds.

I will be recommending you and your staff to any I speak with about going to Africa. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for making our trip of a lifetime truly a lifetime reality.

        – Joan C. & Erin W.(Kalamazoo, MI)

Unforgettable Moment #207

We had a wonderful trip. Everything went smoothly… The Cape Grace Hotel was great, and we enjoyed Cape Town. We had great guides on Robben Island and that was a very meaningful experience… The drive outside Cape Town, along the coast and to the wine country was truly beautiful. La Petite Ferme was great food and great vistas. Stellenbosch was really quaint and good shopping with a throwback general store that was a charmer. Dinner at La Colombe Restaurant was a really fun, delicious culinary experience.

[In Botswana], we saw all the Big Five animals and more. Really quite something. Both camps were great – different and each good in their own ways. The experience with the people at Khwai River Lodge was one of the highlights. It felt like a family and we were serenaded on arrival and two other times. So all around great memories, lots of pictures, learning nature and animals and people and countries. What more could you ask! So thank you so much.

        – Linda L. (Bethesda, MD)

Unforgettable Moment #206

…When I go to Kenya… It’s sure tough coming home! The trip was so wonderful and everyone enjoyed it very much. Everything worked out great; each leg of our journey went well and were all very special in their own way. Seeing the different terrains and animals in each area was such a good experience for everyone. That was my first time to Lewa [Safari Camp] and I loved it! Every year I participate in a fundraiser for Lewa so it was especially nice to be able to see where the donations go to and I am so thankful for their conservation program. I think it’s such a beautiful camp and their staff is especially wonderful. We went game driving… near Governors Camp. Great service! [My] group also really enjoyed the beautiful Norfolk Hotel as well. Thanks again!

        – Karen B. (Huntinton Beach, CA)

Unforgettable Moment #205

…We had the adventure of a liftime! Thank you so much for all your help! Everything went perfectly! Our driver was wonderful… The hotel in Cape Town was lovely! Everyone was very helpful. Olivers Guest House was a great choice too! I can’t begin to tell you about Kapama [Private Game Reserve]! It was awe-inspiring to see the animals in their own environment! Needless to say, we loved it! We got to see just about everything, up close and thrilling! Thank you again!

        – Diane C. (St. James, NY)

Unforgettable Moment #204

[We] had a MARVELOUS TIME. Everything worked well. [My] birthday cake was presented by the whole staff in the Boma at Kirkman’s Kamp. [We] loved every bit of it and [will be] referring some folks to you.

        – Russell & Gloria K. (Bronx, NY)