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Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms & Conditions carefully. It explains the conditions under which your travel arrangements operate and the extent of your liability. Once deposit and/or final payment is received for your trip, it represents acceptance by the purchaser of these Terms & Conditions. 


A non-refundable deposit of 25% of the land cost is required to commence your booking arrangements. In some circumstances, additional deposit payments may be required by certain safari camps. If departure date is within 70 days of travel, full payment is due. Internal air is 100% payable at time of booking and is non-refundable. 


Final Payment 

Final payment is due 70 days prior to departure, unless otherwise required by the suppliers of your trip. If the balance is not paid 70 days prior to departure and/or the stipulated date, Great Safaris LLC has the right to cancel the booking(s) without further notice and without refund of the deposit and/or any other payments. 


If a cancellation is received prior to 70 days before date of departure, you will forfeit the total deposit and any other payments made towards the trip for air, permits or pre-paid activities. Cancellations received less than 70 days prior to departure will forfeit 100% of the total tour cost. Other specific supplier and airline cancellation penalties may apply in addition to cancellation and amendment fees listed herein. There will be no refund for unused land arrangements after departure. 

Great Safaris reserves the sole right to not accept a reservation or to cancel a reservation and impose cancellation charges if any payment is not received within the above specified periods. Great Safaris will not be responsible for lost land and air reservations.

Travel Insurance

Proof of Travel Insurance is mandatory and required by most suppliers in Africa. Great Safaris requires that travelers have adequate travel insurance to cover the entire tour cost, land and air.

Travel Cancellation / Postponement 
Should you have to postpone your trip due to an official government travel ban, prohibiting travel from country of origin, or if a similar government travel ban is in effect in the destination country, all airline and supplier cancellation or change fees may apply as per their policies. Great Safaris may rebook your trip for a later date but no refunds of any payments.  


Prices for domestic flights, airport taxes or park fees may be changed without prior notice. This is beyond our control and any increase levied will be passed to you. Once booked, changes or cancellation of flights may incur a charge. Once ticketed, changes will incur a charge and cancellation will be at 100% penalty.

When services and accommodations cannot be supplied or the itinerary is changed due to delays or other causes of any kind or nature beyond Great Safaris control, Great Safaris  may seek to supply comparable services, accommodations and itineraries. There shall be no refund in these circumstances. 

Land Arrangements 
Land only prices do not include airfares, costs to obtain passports, visas, inoculations, excess baggage charges, airline seating assignments, all items of a personal nature such as drinks, snacks, laundry, phone calls and cables, Internet, paid TV entertainment, meals not specified in the itinerary, medicines, personal and baggage travel protection plan, and local airport taxes. These are examples of non-included items, and are not an exhaustive list.

Tips to tour guides, waiters, hotel staff, baggage handling and game rangers are not included and are at the tour participant’s discretion unless specifically included in tour price.

Passport, Visa and Inoculations 
Passport, Visa and Inoculations is not included in the tour cost. Passports are required for international travel. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your scheduled return date and should have sufficient blank pages for visas and immigration stamps. Visas are required for travel to many areas. Many countries also have inoculation requirements. Some countries require foreign visitors to have valid medical protection plan on entry. Requirements vary by country and can change. You should obtain up-to-date information from authorities of the countries involved. Great Safaris shall not be liable for delay or denial of entry due to inability to satisfy entry requirements or entry authority’s questioning or refusal to accept proof of entry requirements.


Clients with Disabilities
Great Safaris welcomes clients with special needs or disabilities. Clients must inform us in advance, as early as possible, of any physical, medical or other special need that requires accommodating. We will make reasonable modifications to our policies, practices and procedures when necessary, unless doing so will fundamentally alter the nature of the services. Please understand that accessibility and accommodations in other countries may be limited.

We welcome children but an adult or guardian must always accompany and supervise the child(ren) and Great Safaris has the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude children from certain activities if it is not appropriate given the age of the children. Many countries require additional paperwork for children. Contact your travel advisor for additional information.

Medical Care 
We do not employ or provide medical personnel. Any needed medical attention must be sought at a local facility, if available, at client’s expense. Great Safaris is not responsible or liable for loss or cost incurred due to unavailability of medical services, inability to obtain or delay in obtaining medical services if available, medical services obtained, or level of care or services received. You must bring an adequate supply of your medication, if any, for the duration of the tour. Medical services abroad are not the same as you may be accustomed to. Great Safaris is not responsible for the lack of, or the provision of medical services.
Some guided tours can include rough terrain, walking over unpaved or uneven pavement, steps, locations which may not be easily accessible or accessible by wheelchair, bumps, and other challenging conditions.

For various parts of the travel, arrangements are made with carriers, hotels and other independent suppliers. They are independent entities which Great Safaris does not control. We cannot ensure its ability access or accommodations outside the United States. Smoking is generally not permitted on our tours except for approved smoking areas. Smoking is never allowed on coaches, vans, or safari vehicles. Great Safaris has the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your tour if your behavior or actions are so disruptive or negatively impacting the tour. If this happens, you are responsible for your travel costs home and no refund shall be given.

Force Majeure 
Great Safaris, LLC shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, delays or loss of enjoyment, of any nature or kind whatsoever, resulting from events beyond our or a supplier’s reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, pandemics, quarantines, strikes, lockouts or other labor disputes or disruptions, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, earthquakes, weather conditions, floods or acts or restraints imposed by government authorities. 

Operator’s Responsibility 
Great Safaris, LLC and/or its agents, act only as agents for the various companies and lines of which tickets are available and these tours operate and assume no responsibility nor liability in connection with the service of any train, vessel, carriage, aircraft, motor or other conveyances which may be used, either wholly or in part, in the performance of its duty to the passenger; neither will it be responsible for any act, error, or omission, or any injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason of any defect in any vehicle or through the neglect or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger; or for any hotel proprietor, or hotel service, or for any other person engaged in carrying out the purpose for which tickets or coupons are issued. 

In the event that it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfort or wellbeing of the passengers, or for any reason whatsoever, to alter the itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty to the operators. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the passengers, conversely refund will be made to the passengers if any saving is affected thereby. The Airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passengers are not on board their planes or conveyance. The passage contract in use by the Airlines concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the Airlines and the purchaser of these tours and/or passenger. The right is reserved to withdraw any or all tours should conditions warrant, also to decline to accept or retain any passengers as members of the tours. Great Safaris, LLC or agent can assume no responsibility for lost tickets or vouchers. 

You expressly acknowledge that naturally occurring diseases and viruses (including, but not limited to, the currently widespread COVID-19 virus) may be present and actively occurring in all environments. By submitting your tour payment, you acknowledge the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and are voluntarily assuming the risk for yourself and any minors traveling with you, that we may be exposed to or infected with COVID-19 while traveling, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability or death. 

Additional Risks
Additional risks and dangers may arise including, but not limited to, hazards of traveling in undeveloped areas, hazards of travel by boat, train, automobile, aircraft and other means of conveyance, forces of nature, political unrest, other unrest, terrorism, hazardous local customs and practices, differing levels of sanitation, differing standards of safety, risks associated with water, food, plants, insects and animal, accident or illness in areas lacking means of rapid evacuation or medical facilities, terrorist acts, and acts of national and local governments and unrest and acts of others against governments. These risks are not an exhaustive list but are examples of many kinds of risks. You are voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge that there are significant dangers involved, and you hereby agree to accept any and all risks. As lawful consideration for the agreement with Great Safaris to participate in such tours and activities you agree you will not make a claim against Great Safaris or its personnel or sue for bodily injury, emotional trauma, death, property loss or damage or other loss, cost or expense, however caused, as a result of or related to your contracting for, traveling to or from, or in any and every other way participating in the tour. You release Great Safaris and its personnel from any and all claims, known or unknown, arising from contracting for, traveling to or from, and in any and everyway participating in a tour. This release of liability and assumption of risk agreement is entered into on behalf of you and all members of your family and party, also including minors accompanying you. This agreement also binds your heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

Great Safaris shall not be responsible for loss or damage to luggage, before, during or after the tour.

Because of the volatility of exchange rates for many of the Africa destinations Great Safaris offers, we recommend you confirm pricing at time of booking. 

Amendment Fees 
Once a deposit has been received and a booking made, any change is subject to a $75 fee per change, plus any fees levied by hotels or lodges. Additional costs incurred from hotels, lodges, touring, transfers, and ground services will be added to new pricing. 

Airline Prices 
The cost of airline tickets, taxes and fees are subject to change up until the time of ticketing. 

Error and Omissions
In the case of computer or human billing errors, we reserve the right to re-invoice participants with correct billing.

© Copyright Great Safaris LLC 2024

Updated: 22 Aug 2024

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